Fiction is Deception

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Novel idea: The Miraculous Mind of San Mateo

I was lying in bed the other night and the muses began to speak to me. This happens every so often, so I thought it might be appropriate to write about it here--seeing as this is a blog dedicated to, well, fiction.

This idea started, as most of my ideas do, as somewhat speculative in nature. It centered around the premise of a extraordinary man named Matthew (Mateo in Spanish) who had the ability to manifest his thoughts into reality. (Think Michael Crichton's Sphere).

Anyway, half of any novel is how you present it and I thought how I could present this is not in tradition novel format, but rather, as a collection of short stories. Each story would be a first person account of people who somehow knew this man at various stages in his life and some of the things he did with his power.

The short stories could be arranged in such a way to make the story flow chronologically, but never from Mateo's perspective. I thought it would be neat to present things in a non-fantastic way. Don't think of X-Men Origins: San Mateo, but rather, a very close character study of an unusual person told from various perspectives.

Additionally, I thought that it would enrich the narrative if the world was going through some kind of crisis (post-Apocalyptic, perhaps?) and the emergence of an extraordinary figure could give humanity some hope. Not to necessarily mirror the second coming of Christ or anything like that, but rather, the emergence of a secular messiah. Through it being told primarily secondhand accounts, you could filter the narrative to make it seem mythic---as we would never actually see first hand accounts of Mateo himself.


Ideas like this usually came from when I ask myself an unusual question. In this particular instance, I asked myself--- What would happen if a child was born with the ability to manifest it's own thoughts. What would an infant create? As the child grew, how would it's upbringing affect what it would/wouldn't manifest? When the child was old enough to understand it's power, how would it use it? Could he control it? What happened if he had dreams? Nightmares?

Some interesting stuff. If I come up with anything cool I'll post it.

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