Fiction is Deception

Monday, December 15, 2008

First Post! My blogosphere virginity hath been taken!

Don't get me wrong. I've blogged lots on myspace, but I was wholly unsatisfied with both their layouts and presentation. This site is a much better situation, I think.

Anyway, it's my birthday tomorrow. I'll be turning 23, which I can scarcely believe. The real world is nigh and I'm not so sure I can stave it off any longer. I'll be entering my last semester of college (undergrad, at least) in January and I'm looking forward to it, mostly due to extremely geeky reasons.

I was able to ninja my way into Dr. McFadden's Selection Authors: Tolkien class. Yes, that's right children. J-Rad will be receiving his last 3 hours of English major credits reading, analyzing and geeking over everything J.R.R Tolkien has written. I'm sure he's written fine other works, but his Magnum Opus, Lord of the Rings, will likely be the meat of the course. The rest of my classes in the final semester are pretty anti-climatic: History of Tudor England, Logic, and last but not least Diet and Exercise. Why did I wait to take some of these basics last? /Facepalm.

After the spring semester, I really have no idea what I will do. God knows I've thought about it. I really envy those people who set tangible goals when they chose a major when they initially come to college. They have a likely vision of their future. Not me, exactly. I was, or rather, am a creative writing major. And, lets face it, stack me up next to a Petroleum Engineer and I suppose my major is a joke. Oh well, I think in life you can either Do What You Love or Love What You Do. Those might sound synonymous to the untrained eye, but most jobs (if your lucky) fall into the latter category. Jobs (concentrations? lol) like mine, I would expect are the former. It's right up there with joining the Green Peace, starting a Rock Band, being the source-inventor of those late night info-mercials or becoming a pyschologist. More on this later, though.

I'd like to dedicate a paragraph on my very first blog to discussing a movie that is coming out in the near future. I must preface this by saying that director David Fincher is a bona fide genius. I love all of his work: Fight Club (cliche, I know), Seven, Zodiac, etc. It will be hard to top his already slim but impressive resume, but I think he might have outdone himself on this upcoming project which released Christmas Day. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, that is what the film is called. The film stars Brad Pitt (one of the very few A-List, marquee actors, who are actually damn good. It surprises the lack of Oscars to his name.) and Cate Blanchett. As I understand it, the film is based on a short story by F. Scott Fitzgerald of Great Gatsby fame (you read this in High School, I know you did.) from the days of yore. I've never read the short story, but it involves the story of a man who ages backwards. Some of the images from the trailer are fairly disturbing, but there seems to be an original story here. I've heard some early reviews. Nothing short of amazing, from what i'm hearing. Even one review that was so positive that it said the film was "one of the best this decade."

Anyway, I just pulled an all nighter and my eyes are starting to get very heavy. I probably shouldn't sleep, but I'm oh so tired. The bad news is I turn 23 tomorrow, the good news is Mom is making me a pie.

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